Madison Munson
I knew I would regret it if I didn’t study abroad while I was in college. This experience isn’t just something I won’t regret; it is one I will cherish for the rest of my life. While Urbino isn’t a big-name city in Italy like Rome or Florence, it is full of magic. Each resident has a zest for life I have never experienced anywhere else, and every day offers something new. It has been so inspiring working here. Witnessing my peers discover so many beautiful stories and even more beautiful ways to tell them has been an absolute honor. While I can’t wait to regale my family and friends with all of my stories from being abroad, I will miss being woken up by pigeon coos, drinking incredible cappuccinos, and getting to see the beautiful sights Urbino has to offer every day. I am confident that there is no other place in the world like Urbino, and I will be eternally grateful for my time here.