I came to Urbino with the intention of immersing myself…

I came to Urbino with the intention of immersing myself in a different culture while also furthering my design skills; what I experienced was that and so much more. Having the privilege to live in a different country and experience its culture through both the lens of a student and as just a traveler has been one of the most fulfilling experiences. Creating a magazine as an homage to this beautiful city has been my favorite way to truly understand the rich history of Urbino. After almost a month of living here, I feel less like a tourist and more like a resident. I am so appreciative of all of the professors, interpreters, and mentors who have helped me feel like I am at home here. We couldn't have made this magazine without the amazing direction of Elisabeth Kvernen; her patience and creativity created such an amazing environment that allowed us all to thrive as designers. Ciao, Urbino!